I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Phil 4:13
Taught only in the Chinese sacred mountain monasteries, Temple Style Tai Chi evolved from its 9th century origins to include the promotion of health and well-being; benefits so intently sought by millions in the world today. From its ancient beginnings, Temple Style Tai Chi was released to the Chinese public just 55 years ago through a select group of men.
Time honored mainstay of APA curriculum is Okinawan Karate-Do. Rich in heritage, APA's unremitting rock solid training echoes of " shugyo" from ages past. True to tradition, APA remains stalwart in its commitment to "old ways" and resists pressure which lower standards by commercialism.
Long ago an ancient cultural exchange brought many Chinese influences to the Ryukyu Islands. One of those influences emerged into Kobudo (weaponry). Inspired by oppression, Okinawans elevated Kobudo to highest levels of proficiency.